+44 (0) 207 602 9926 info@gaaminternational.com

  Relocating to London

Relocating to London? Find the perfect accommodation for your staff!

GAAM International consultants will help you facilitate the relocation for your staff. Our difference? We are close to our customers because we’ve been through this stage and we fully understand the concerns about such a change.

Relocating to London with confidence

Are you looking to relocate staff to the UK? All you need is an efficient and organised support for corporate relocation. At GAAM International, we know how it can be difficult for employees to move abroad. We can provide on-the-ground knowledge needed to make your move stress free for your employees’ expatriation procedures. We make sure they will assume their position as soon as possible. Corporate relocation can be successful only if everything is designed for the full consolidation of employees and integration with their new environment! At GAAM International, we know that every company is unique and requires specific needs. We adapt ourselves to each organisation and human resources department for personal support.
London living room
Living room Londres

Relocating to London with our complete range of services

We offer a full range of services, covering:
-home search
-neighborhood integration
-enrollment in kindergartens and schools
We can provide support to many other services according to employee wishes, such as assistance with finding a nanny. Why not use a French au pair? Children will need to improve their level in foreign languages. Everything will be done for social inclusion of employees’ families. Make this strategic decision and use your time efficiently with GAAM International!

For adviceon your employee relocation needs, contact our consultants by phone +44 (0) 207 602 9926, by mail  info@gaaminternational.fr or let us contact you :


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